Revising Book Reviews for Re-Reads

Have you ever re-read a book and thought twice about your initial review of it? I have. Sometimes I come back to a book feeling that I liked it better the second time around. Does that mean I increase my rating? Other times I realize I missed a lot of problematic aspects now that I’mContinueContinue reading “Revising Book Reviews for Re-Reads”

TBR List Woes: It’s OK to Cut Ties With Books

I browsed through my Goodreads TBR list a couple of months ago to see what I wanted to buy with my Barnes & Noble birthday coupon. I ended up deleting several books from my list. I’m not the same person I was when I added them to my TBR years ago. It doesn’t mean they’dContinueContinue reading “TBR List Woes: It’s OK to Cut Ties With Books”

How to Read More Books

Image by Eli Digital Creative from Pixabay Gone are the days when I could settle down with one book in my lap, perhaps a snack or two and a hot beverage, and focus on one story line at a time. My attention span has been shot to death with the invention of the internet, andContinueContinue reading “How to Read More Books”

Audio Books! Can I Get An Amen?

Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay I started listening to audio books a little over a year ago, hesitant to take on the endeavor because I thought, “I can’t possibly pay attention to a story if I’m listening to it.” Of course, that logic is flawed because that’s how I used to take in storiesContinueContinue reading “Audio Books! Can I Get An Amen?”

One Book At A Time

I am drowning in a sea of things to read. My double-stacked book shelves taunt me with their tomes. My Goodreads TBR list laughs at my folly. My kindle glares at me as I time and time again pass it over for a physical text. When did it get so hard to read? As aContinueContinue reading “One Book At A Time”